Our Story

The storehouse hygiene project was birthed in October 2013 with a call to “all” whose hearts are opened to see and respond to the hygiene of the homeless and less fortunate.

Mission Statement

To establish a “storehouse” that provides hygiene products to the homeless and less fortunate through the development of an effective partnership network of services with individuals, churches, agencies, and organizations greatly reducing the time a person or family emerges from homelessness into self-reliance.


To provide hygiene products to the homeless and less fortunate. 
(Click image for more information)

Lighting the Way
Coalition for The Homeless Family
Coalition for The Homeless
January Distribution 2020
Monthly Distribution January 2020
Coalition for The Homeless 2019
Christmas Adopt A Child 2019
Adopt A Child Christmas 2019
Annual Youth Training 2019
Annual Youth Thank you Event 2019
Monthly Distribution 2019
Our Board

Jeraldine Perkins


Anquesha Brooks-Stanley

Terrye Haggins-Jackson

Joseph Perkins

Robert Russ

Rebecca Luders

Gemma Pascall

Ursula Keith

Eyvette Broughton

Tempest Carruthers

Breelan Ware

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